Shipping & Delivery
We know how important it is to you for items to arrive when you expect them, so please review the shipping information below regarding our shipping policy. If you have any questions regarding delivery time frame and shipping options, please feel free to send an email to our Customer Service Department at
Orders are shipped within 24 to 72 hours of payment confirmation on official business days. Orders received on weekends and holidays are processed the following business day.
Once an order is shipped out, the customer is sent an email for confirmation and/or a tracking number (as appropriate).
We use the following carriers to deliver your order: USPS FedEx DHL UPS, CANADA POST
Order Tracking
After shipping your order we will send your tracking information by email.
Shipping Rates
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is calculated based on weight and location. Before the final checkout page you will be shown what the total shipping cost charges will be. Large orders may required additional shipping charges due to weight and volume. If your order requires additional charges, you will be contacted for approval prior to final processing and shipping your order.
Shipping within the USA
Standard shipping fee to all USA states is FREE. Depending on your address and postal code, your package can be delivered within 2 to 7 business days after we have processed your order.
Expedited shipping to all USA states is $20 USD. Depending on your address and postal code, your package can be delivered within 1 to 3 business days after we have process your order.
Shipping rate to Canada
Standard shipping to all Canada provinces is $15 USD. Depending on your address and zip code, your package can be delivered within 5 to 10 business days after we have process your order.
Standard shipping to all Canadian Territories is $15 USD. Depending on your address and postal code, your package can be delivered within 5 to 12 business days after we have process your order.
We have no control over duties and/or taxes imposed on your order by any Canada Customs Office. Duties and taxes may be charged on the items you ordered. Any duties and/or tax fees are your responsibility. Customs clearance procedures can cause delays beyond original delivery estimates.
International shipping
Standard shipping to most international countries is $15 to $20.00 per order. Depending on your country and address, your package can be delivered within 2 to 4 weeks after we have processed your order.
We have no control over duties and/or taxes imposed on your order by the customs agency of your country. Duties and/or taxes may be charged on the items you ordered. Any duties and/or tax fees are your responsibility. Customs clearance procedures can cause delays beyond original delivery estimates. We do not charge Canadian taxes on orders shipped outside of Canada.
Back Orders
In the case where multiple items are ordered, if a particular item goes on back order, we will notify you and move ahead with processing and shipping what is currently available in stock. As remaining item(s) become available we will ship and complete your order as soon as possible at no additional charge to you.